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Rakning c-19

Covid 19 Infection tracing App

The C-19 app is an important tool in the comprehensive work carried out here in Iceland with regard to COVID-19 and can be of great assistance to hinder the spread of the virus.


In 2020 I was contacted by the IT team at deCODE Genetics and asked if I could help out in any way I could in developing an app to help the Icelandic C19 tracing  team in their work to fight the spread of C-19 in Iceland.


Long story short. The app was developed by a group of individuals from various companies and from the Icelandic Health Services and the official Tracing team. All who gave their work 100%. 


I worked as a lead-designer in the project, working closely with a team from Aranja who did all the front & back-end development of the app. 


Ví - April 2020

Over 115 thousand people have downloaded the Rakning app
(Búið að ná í smitrakningaforritið 115 þúsund sinnum) - June 2020

Didn't know how to develop an app
(Vissu ekkert hvernig ætti að búa til app)



Wanna talk? Get in touch via the contact form or the good ol' fashion electronic mail  / +354 664 2222

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